01 August 2013

Menu is going behind Silverlight control

If your menu is going behind Silverlight control then you have two options:

Option 1: Set 'Windowless=true' but this option has lots of limitations including performance.
Ref: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc838156(v=vs.95).aspx

Option 2 (Recommended): Use empty iframe behind your menu. z-index of iframe must be less than to your menu.

Basic concept: "When you take your mouse over to the menu then your menu will be shown at that time make your iframe visible behind your menu."

I am sharing a very basic sample. You have to customize it based on requirement.

Sample: TestMenu.htm

With the help of Muhammad Furqan Khan and Muhammad Fahed Khan, we found iframe based solution. Thank you guys!


  1. How can we apply your method directly to an asp.net menu control: refer to my post in msdn:



  2. Hi Joel,

    I have created a sample for Asp.Net menu. Try to understand how it is working so you can change it based on your requirement. Thanks.

    Sample for ASP.Net Menu:
